EDIT: This post refers to a previous version of the website. That version is available in its github repo.

Welcome to my first ever article!

Having my own little space on the internet has always been a project of mine. In previous iterations, it has been a simple WordPress website where I showcased my below-average photos. This time around, I decided that I wanted to make everything from scratch instead of relying on a clunky content manager. With this approach, I’m not only in full control of my website (for better or worse), but I can also keep my web development skills from getting rusty.

As my friends know, my design skills do not exist. That’s why I took inspiration (which is programmer-speak to say copy pasted) from the wonderful design Tania has made on her website. It was only possible due to Tania’s website being open source, which is why I think it’s only fair for me to pay the favour forward. To honour the “open source pact”, all the source code for this website is available on my Github.

Don’t be mistaken though, the website is far from being done. There are still a lot of improvements I want to make. Some of them are:

  • Proper SEO
  • Custom icons
  • Images in articles
  • RSS feed

And this concludes this short introduction to my blog. Thank you for taking the time to read this first article, and I promise that when you come back there will be more content!